Knock me up
Bought this some time ago. Have read the main story a couple of times now. It is great occasionally, but some generic elements make my eyes roll. The main couple is Hime and Shuichi (Shorted to just Shu). The story starts as Hime is bringing Shu to her parent's place for tea? They don't really tell if it is tea or dinner or what. There is tension in the air because Hime's family aren't just rich, they are really in the money. So much so that Hime's father is going to throw Shu out. Being CEO of a snack enterprise, he wants Hime to marry someone who can continue the family business. So he berates Shu to the point where Shu is leaving. However, Hime decided to tell a lie that she is pregnant. The whole story circles around this lie and the consequences of it, with good humour sprinkled in.
This scene also brings the first dent in the story. Why Hime cannot be the CEO? I'm just going to assume, based on Hime's parent home's architecture, old Japanese ways. It is not commented upon. Hell, Hime does not bring up why she felt a strong urge to lie in that situation. There is a lack of showing why they care for each other. At best, they like each other because they are nice people. That is a very surface-level reason for love, they don't seem to share hobbies or anything. I don't even know has Hime any education. But, I didn't think about these things at the first read which does tell how much they matter to the overall story.

I do like the art. There is this nice smoothness on it. None of the poses felt like they were overstretched. It is actually hard for me to explain what causes this smoothness. After comparing it to some other works, here is what I think. The texture used for shadow might have slightly bigger black dots, and there is quite a lot of "rub out" when moving from a shadowed area to a lighted area. Linework still confuses me. Often, with a person's face, you can see other lines have been drawn over or under the main line. It is rare to see lines have cuts on them for implied continuation. It also feels like at least the main characters have this rounded chin. Anyway, the only bad thing I say about the art is THAT IS NOT HOW PHYSICS WORK!

Sex scenes in this work are mostly pussy fucking. Considering the story, this is not surprising. The first blowjob, which Hime gives to Shu, ends when Shu reminds Hime that he should come into her pussy. That is a nice scene. In terms of who wants sex, Hime's behaviour is a bit inconsistent. The first sex scene is started by Hime. The blowjob scene is started by Hime outside in a park. I like that Hime takes initiative, but she is suddenly shy at times, not playfully, and cries during sex. Hime's initiative does make sense. She comes up with a lie in the first place, and she takes responsibility for it. On the other hand, Shu is a generic submissive office worker. It does work as a comparison between the two. Shu is somewhat eager to have sex. It is a little bit weird reversal. Maybe the angle is that Hime is trying to be a good wife and serve her man, but again, this is not discussed. I'm abusing my assumption of the culture the creator comes from to suggest that.

Going back to the story and to spoilers, the main theme seems to be don't lie. Which is boring, to be honest. Execution is still good so it does not make it bad, it just does not make it excellent. What happens is that Hime does not get pregnant. Shu's mental health starts to take a toll from abuse that might happen from his father-in-law if the lie is discovered. Remember, he is going along the lie. This starts to affect his performance at sex. This leads Hime to worry he does not love her. This then leads, to them having sex outside. This fixes their relationship. But, this does not fix the lie and Shu's mental health is still tanking. This leads Hime to give up and tell her parents she lied. She does not blow up to her father that she decides how she fucks, but whatever, I have gone on about this already. The conflict that comes up is that simple question, should they break up. I guess Hime feels that bad about Shu's mental health. But since this comes after the park sex, it does feel repetitive.
Shu goes to walk to clear his head. He reminisces about the first time he and Hime met. It was during a festival where Shu was trying to find the parents of a lost child. Hime actually attacked him, thinking Shu was doing the pedo. This is the worst part of the story. It is just saying: "isn't it nice to have a child" with that creepy tone only the worst grandparents are able to do. Also, Shu and Hime were able to return the child so.. they are fuck ready... I really would have liked this scene would be more romantic. Anyway, Shu comes back from his walk. They fuck, and after one year, Hime and Shu have a baby.
I don't really like the ending. There is an air of no lie hence "magic" of reproduction can happen, which is just bull. That said story doesn't have directly that message so again I'm abusing my assumptions. The story in my eye would have been more interesting if Hime got pregnant and then they would have to think of the way why the baby is not ready yet, but oh well.
EXCEPT, we have three bonus stories! One of them is Hime's and Shu's wedding. Which happened before the time skip. It is just an excuse to have a other blowjob scene. Two other stories do not have anything to do with the main story. The second bonus story is about a school science team¿... doctoral student with an assistant¿... romance where the girl is bossy about a boy, but loses her memories from a stair accident. Boy uses this opportunity to make her think they are lovers. Sex happens, pretty good sex scene have to say. Don't worry, there is a comedic end to boys... almost rape?... She was willing but was she willing if she had her memories...
The third story is about a formerly rich family's descent and a maid learning about sex. It is such a cliché I don't have anything to say about it. The boy is bullied at work because he does not know about sex. Maid has sex with him, the bullying doesn't stop... and they have feelings for each other. Considering the rest of the comic, there are better sex scenes.

I would rather have Hime and Shu doing something because their reason for love was lacking. Maybe Shu and Hime could have explored other fetishes. But no... bonus stories don't explore more fetishes either. The memory loss bonus adds butt-smacking, but that's it. Regardless, I came out positive about this purchase.