MathML templates.

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To use MathML write math symbols inside of <math> tag. By attribute display make a block. MathML in the page is styled by CSS.

Variable plus number:

x+1 <mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn>

Two parameter Fifth degree polynomial with constant coefficients:

P( x , y ) = A + 5x - 3y + B x y - x2 + C y2 + D x2 y2 E x3 + F y3 + 90 x3 y3 + G x4 + H y4 - 17 x4 y4 + x5 + y5
<mi font-weight:bold;>P</mi>
<mo fence="true">(</mo>
  <mo separator="true">,</mo>
<mo fence="true">)</mo>

Recursive defition of sequence:

xn+1 = { xn - 2xn-5 , n > 0 nmod8=0 xn + xn-2 , nmod3=0 nmod80 n>0 5 , n=2 1 , n=1 8 , n=0
<mrow><mo fence="true">{</mo><mtable>
  <mtr columnalign="left">
      <mo style=font-weight:bold;>mod</mo>
  <mtr columnalign="left">
      <mo style=font-weight:bold;>mod</mo>
      <mo style=font-weight:bold;>mod</mo>
  <mtr columnalign="left">
  <mtr columnalign="left">
  <mtr columnalign="left">

Differential equation:

2 F(t) 2t = 15 F(t) t + 2 F(t)
    <mi style=font-weight:bold;>F</mi>
    <mo fence="true">(</mo>
    <mo fence="true">)</mo>
    <mi style=font-weight:bold;>F</mi>
    <mo fence="true">(</mo>
    <mo fence="true">)</mo>
<mi style=font-weight:bold;>F</mi>
<mo fence="true">(</mo>
<mo fence="true">)</mo>

Set equation:

X×Y = { ( x , y ) | xYc ( yY kN ( y+k Y ) ) } N2
<mo fence="true">{</mo>
  <mo fence="true">(</mo>
  <mo fence="true">)</mo>
  <mo fence="true">(</mo>
    <mi mathvariant="double-struck">N</mi>
    <mo fence="true">(</mo>
    <mo fence="true">)</mo>
  <mo fence="true">)</mo>
<mo fence="true">}</mo>
  <mi mathvariant="double-struck">N</mi>

Integral of sum:

010 n=0 N ( n + 5 ) N = 6 + 110 n=0 N ( n + 5 ) N
  <mi mathsize=1.5em>&int;</mi>
    <mi mathsize=1.5em>&sum;</mi>
      <mo fence="true" lspace=0em rspace=0em>&#x23bf;</mo>
      <mi rspace=0em lspace=0em>N</mi>
      <mo fence="true" lspace=0em rspace=0em>&#x23cc;</mo>
    <mo fence="true">(</mo>
    <mo fence="true">)</mo>
  <mo rspace=0em>&part;</mo>
  <mi mathsize=1.5em>&int;</mi>
    <mi mathsize=1.5em>&sum;</mi>
      <mo fence="true" lspace=0em rspace=0em>&#x23bf;</mo>
      <mi rspace=0em lspace=0em>N</mi>
      <mo fence="true" lspace=0em rspace=0em>&#x23cc;</mo>
    <mo fence="true">(</mo>
    <mo fence="true">)</mo>
  <mo rspace=0em>&part;</mo>

Solving X of second degree polynomial:

ax2 + bx + c = 0 | - c ax2 + bx = -c | 4 a (2ax)2 + 4abx = -4 a c | + b2 (2ax)2 + 4abx + b2 = b2 - 4 a c ( 2ax + b ) 2 = b2 - 4 a c | ± 2ax + b = ± b2 - 4 a c | - b 2ax = -b ± b2 - 4 a c | 2 a x = -b ± b2 - 4 a c 2a
  groupalign="{right left left right}"
      <mspace width=2em />
      <mspace width=2em />
          <mo fence=true>(</mo>
          <mo fence=true>)</mo>
      <mspace width=2em />
          <mo fence=true>(</mo>
          <mo fence=true>)</mo>
        <mrow><mo fence=true>(</mo>
        <mo fence=true>)</mo></mrow>
      <mspace width=2em />
      <msqrt><mspace width=1em /></msqrt>
      <mspace width=2em />
      <mspace width=2em />

Logical statement:

φ ( α β ) ( α β ) ¬γ
<mo fence=true>(</mo>
<mo fence=true>)</mo>
<mo fence=true>(</mo>
<mo fence=true>)</mo>

A matrix with undefined size:

[ x1,1 x1,n xm,1 xm,n ]
<mrow><mo fence="true">[</mo><mtable>
</mtable><mo fence="true">]</mo></mrow>

Simple 2 times 4 matrix equation:

[ 600 500 400 300 ] H = [ 5 10 15 20 60 53 46 39 ]
<mrow><mo fence=true>[</mo><mtable>
</mtable><mo fence=true>]</mo></mrow>
<mover accent=true><mi>H</mi><mi>&lrhar;</mi></mover>
<mrow><mo fence=true>[</mo><mtable>
</mtable><mo fence=true>]</mo></mrow>

A vector:

V = [ x1 x1 ]
<mover accent="true"><mi>V</mi><mi>&rarr;</mi></mover>
<mrow><mo fence="true">[</mo><mtable>
</mtable><mo fence="true">]</mo></mrow>