Basic Divisibility Theorems.

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I was annoyed that there was not good online source with proofs about divisibility and specialy non-divisiblity. Showing that some natural number to natural number functions are not divisiable is hard in some extreame case when simple aritmetic playing does not work. Hence, this article's Theorems do not involve prime numbers, greatest common division, or lowest common multiple but simple ab and ab relationships.

Definition of divisibility is usually given only to natural numbers. However, definition used here also allows negative integers. Every Theorem starts with stating is variables used a natural number or integers to indentify is positivity reguired.

DEFINITION 0.0 (Divisibility) a,bZ( ab :⇔ αZ( αa=b ) )
DEFINITION 0.1 (Non-divisibility) a,bZ( ab :⇔ ¬ ab )

1. Starting notes on Divisibility

THEOREM 1.0 (Positive order) ( a,bN ab ) ab

Let's say α is the integer which αa=b. Hence, α=ba. This means that α to be an integer, ab. Otherwise, α would be a non-integer rational number. Variable a does not equal zero since division of zero is undefined and such cannot divade anything.

THEOREM 1.1 (One divades everthing) aZ( 1a )

Selecting α=a, one gets a1=a which proofs the divisibility of the claim.

THEOREM 1.2 (Integer divades itself) aZ( aa )

Selecting α=1, one gets 1a=a which proofs the divisibility of the claim.

THEOREM 1.3 (Integer divading a sequence divades linear sum) aZ ,{bi} ZN ,{ci} ZN ,nN( iN( abi ) a i = 0 n ci bi )
Selectig α= i = 0 n ciαi where αi are coefficients for αia=bi, following is got: i = 0 n ( ciαi ) a = i = 0 n ( ciαi a ) = i = 0 n ( cibi ). This shows a divades i = 0 n ci bi .
THEOREM 1.4 (Integer divades an other iff coeffiecent time integer divades same coefficient times the other) a,b,cZ( ab cacb )
Having αa=b means cb=cαa which implies that cacb with coeffient α. Having αca=cb means b=αa. This implies ab with coefficient α.
THEOREM 1.5 (Modulus sum) a,x,x',y,y'Z( ( ax-y ax'-y' ) a (x+x') - (y+y') )
Sum of x-y and x'-y' is x-y+x'-y'=(x+x') - (y+y'). By Theorem 1.3 sum is divisiable by a therefore (x+x') - (y+y') is divisiable by a.
THEOREM 1.6 (Integer divading a other iff negative of integer divades the other) a,bZ( ab -ab )
For aZ exits α such that αa=b which implies (-α)(-a)=b. Hence for -a exists -α. Since choice was for arbitary member of Z converse follows immeadly by -(-a)=a.

2. Starting notes on non-Divisibility

THEOREM 2.0 (Integer is non-divisiable with sum of a sequence implies a non-divisiable member in the sequence) aZ ,{bi} ZN ,nN ( a i = 0 n ( bi ) i'Z( abi' ) )

By Theorem 1.3 aZ ,{bi} ZN ,nN( iN( abi ) a i = 0 n bi ) . This implies aZ ,{bi} ZN ,nN( ¬ a i = 0 n bi ¬ iN( abi ) ) because (χψ)(¬ψ¬χ). This leads to then aZ ,{bi} ZN ,nN ( a i = 0 n ( bi ) i'Z( abi' ) ) .

3. Hybrid notes on both divisiable and non-divisiable

THEOREM 3.0 (Integer A divades an other integer means that A doesn't divade other integer plus value which absolute value is less than absolute value of A) a,b,rZ( ( ( abar ) a(b+r) ) )

Since b is divaded by a then exists α such that b=αa. Hence bα-1=a. Then b+c=αa+c


  1. Naoki Sato Notes