Learning Kdenlive.


I have somewhat gotten hooked to Hololive EN. Then one day Mori Calliope makes two question meme and I just have flash of creativity.

I did this with Kdenlive. In fact 75% reason I went through making this was because I wanted to learn Kdenlive. My exprience was mostly positive. How to make chroma good I did have to read manual. It is good that there is a manual. It just was not clear what does any of the options do and what is the different between advanced chroma and basic chroma. Another, intereting design was that clip can be effected two ways. One which is whole clip wide and another which is local. That took some time to figure out. Biggest problem was that I do not use KDE as desktop. So there is colouring problem the window and some buttons are not visiable. I may change desktop soon so I don't really see that yet as a deal stopper. Program crashing few times was the bigger deal stopper but I can not say those wouldn't be fixed.