Half update 2021.


This month crept over pretty fast. I was thinking about topics I could write on for this months post but didn't really get anything showable done. I have had a couple of ideas about what to write on, but nothing really has finished. Hell, there is an unfinished review of Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle that I should write. I have also started a couple math proof articles but really haven't finished them.

Probably would need to start writing tomorrow an article which would be the next month's post. I have been able to write a post at a very stable pace. I really would like to keep going. What topic is just a bit vague. For programming, I could do a post about how to make an engine by simplifying SDL. I don't think it will be showable thought. Programming topics will take too long.

Politics wise I have things to say about an amendment to Digital Service Act. Don't know how well it is supported. Planning to send an e-mail though. Still, probably will write about abortion... Yeah, that sounds nice.

For the past months, I haven't really been able to continue the website upgrade. The couple biggest ones are done like topbar additions but options gear is still unfunctional. It wasn't as simple I liked to make animations to stop or start. Bit BS. Oh well, still have to grammar correct a bunch of old articles.

There is a lot of entertainment I would like to write a review about. Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon has been fun. I would have a lot to say. Goblin Slayer manga is also good. For video games, Earth Defense Force has been a positive experience with ups and downs. I like to play it with long pauses in between so that armour grind isn't as repetitive.