2020 Update.


Happy 2020!... Yeah, I am late on this one. I did update the top bar. Added Reviews, math and projects buttons. In projects, I was thinking of putting links to my programming projects. For math, I was thinking of putting math proofs that aren't time-dependent or funny/odd things I notice. Under reviews, I put reviews of stuff. I actually have a review already up for hentai Aqua Bless. I will for now just put a static link to the review page. Later I think about filters and sorting. I wanted to write that review at Christmas but work got in away. Luckily, I was able to write it during January. If you look at dates I post a blog you see that I most likely now hibernate to the sixth month. I have usually started to write something complicated in January like "Complications of ECHR's ruling on defamation of Prophet Muhammad" and it then takes me a long time to write it. This year I will not do that. I got more work to do for a while. So in the interest of writing something for a third or fourth month I will have to write something smaller. I will leave it open for now it being politically related even though I still don't want to write politics. Maybe a review of other hentai or something or maybe I finish sea ship randomness. Write createShip() to console at the home page to know what that refers to. Maybe I do something easy like the MathML template page under math since it could make MathML writing faster. I suppose I could get rid of one of the under-construction signs.